You can Get a Free Website from Project Develop Team

The project develop guys claim they plan to deliver High-Level, Professional Websites to 100 Eligible Nigerian Businesses whilst Building up their Web Development Portfolio, hence they are giving out free websites (not exactly true).

The beauty of this for me is that more and more people and businesses are getting online and they will all need SEO Services and various marketing services which is where CFA Leverage and CFA come in 🙂

I am particularly happy about the project develop team, not because I know them or have anything to do with them but because they are partnering with Google to correct the mess that have been made of the Get Nigerian Businesses Online (GNBO) project. Though the idea is a good one, entrepreneurs and small business owners have made a mess of it, genuinely / innocently churning our extremely unappealing Free Websites.

Below is a quickly home SEO analysis of the project team website which simple shows they should be talking to us as well:

Free Website


Now with the project develop team you can get a professional, top-notch website for your brand or business will never be this easy. You can choose a website from three categories (personal, business, ecommerce), to be developed and designed for you at NO cost.

4 Steps to get a Free Website

  1. Apply to be Eligible
  2. Get your Hosting & Domain Name (it is likely they earn affiliates commission or are resellers here because Hostgator there preferred hosting partner pays one of the highest commission rates in the Hosting industry, so there claim of free may not entirely be true)
  3. Submit your Content
  4. Your Site Completed

You will require a hosting account & domain name (provided by Project* Develop). This will give you full control over your website and ensures it stays onine 24/7.

I think the notion of freebies is causing a lot of harm online but the truth is that if everything becomes free online who would earn? Google that has been known of giving put so many freebies is actually making money selling you ads placed on the freebies.

My Point is there are no free meals anywhere!

I really can’t say whether more up-selling or cross-selling will carried out by the team but one thing I can say is that this is not absolutely free, it will be monetized somehow – which isn’t a bad thing for me.

Note: this Free Website offer is limited to 100 Eligible Nigerian Businesses only whilst Building up their Web Development Portfolio.

I appreciate the team for coming into Nigerian market with such a smart offer, it will certainly help more businesses get online fast! The CFA Leverage team will wait for what there website prices are and will adjust accordingly. With no intention of drawing up a way of any sort, all our websites are built on open source platforms (mostly PHP) with wordpress coming up tops.

What are you waiting for?

Go on and apply right away! Just promise me you will come back to order genuine, professional and highly affordable search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), and many more marketing services that we offer.

Hope this helps? All the best 🙂