Emotional Intelligence - cfagbata

Leading With High Emotional Intelligence (EQ) While Working Remotely

With the challenges that accompany remote working, the application of high Emotional Intelligence, (EQ), is very necessary to succeed.

Some quarters have termed EQ as a more driver of success in leadership, than IQ. With the necessity of remote working, the need for EQ is becoming more apparent.

When you exhibit substances like confidence and empathy in remote working, you display tendencies of being able to thrive in the leadership space.

Listed are some ways you give a spark to your EQ while working remotely.


A leader with a good EQ must first be self-aware, as it often brings out confidence.

As a leader, you have to understand both your strength and weakness.

Simply laughing at yourself may likely decrease your anxiety.

A self-aware leader, will admit to his failures and have a laugh off about it.

This inspires trust in your team, as they see you as approachable.

Laughing at your own shortcomings shows that you are confident and comfortable.

Also read, Emotional Intelligence: How To Make It Work For You

This is, even, more quite essential in this remote working system, as you have missed the connections with the physical office.

Sometimes, remote working in the day might just spill over to the night, which rarely happens in normal office time, therefore it would be necessary for work, not to be taken too seriously.

At this point what is needed is a tonic of laughter, to ease the tension in hard times like these.

Know when to quit

In times like these, when you cannot simply walk over to your colleague in your office space, tools like Slack, Asana, etc., have made communication quite effective.

These tools can, however, be easily abused. Sometimes, leaders ought to understand how the tone of their messages will be received on these platforms since there is no physical meeting.

You do not have to start firing questions at an alarming rate and equally expect quick responses.

A display of high EQ is necessary here, so as to allow for great feedback from your team members

Show empathy

This quality is a very strong attribute for people with high emotional intelligence display.

In a remote working system, you may have a good setup, but your team might not be convenient with that arrangement.

Remember that, not all your team members have good internet connectivity, a quiet home office and other factors that can guarantee.

With all sincerity, working remotely can be pretty overwhelming.

True that some of these challenges may not fly away overnight, however, the method leaders can take is what will make the difference.

Leaders should create an enabling platform, for open dialogue with their teams.

Casually checking on your team will give them the opportunity to ask questions, then, you can communicate with them, beyond a formal level.

Your employees are humans and not robots. Treat them with empathy. Conversations like these can assist leaders have a better grasp of how their team is faring.

A bit of relaxation is, even, needed in your formal meetings. Do not take it too hard on them.

Featured Image: c3-marketing.de