Interview with a 17 year old Nigerian making money online, he earns over $5,000 monthly!

Making money online is one of the most commonly used (as well as abused) phrases I know, but the reality is that making money online will happen for some people and remain a dream for others. There are so many ways to make money online, you have to decide what works for you.

making money online

making money online

Below are a few ways of making money online

  • Internet marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Network marketing
  • Freelance writing
  • Software development
  • Provision of services i.e. Search Engine Optimization
  • Ads on your website i.e. Google Adsense
  • Information marketing etc.
  • Another way is to generate leads for your offline business

You have to decide what works for you and where your passion lies. I am presently not making this sort of money online because my strategy has been to use the internet to generate leads for my offline business, but if you ask me, I am looking forward to making money online like our guest today!

Below is a brief interview I had with a young Nigerian about making money online

Can we meet you?

My name is Onibalusi Bamidele

Tell us a bit about Onibalusi?

I’m a 17 year old Nigerian entrepreneur. I started blogging on the 7th of January 2010, and I’ve been able to build my blog to a stage where it now helps me make thousands of dollars monthly, landed me in a foreign magazine, and also gets over 30,000 visitors every month.

What  exactly do you do?

I am a freelance writer.

What got you started as a freelance writer?

I never really intended to be a freelance writer, but I love to write and guest post a lot. I used to get offers from people wanting me to write for them, but I usually turned them down, until one day, I got an email from my first client and decided to give it a try. The income was great, and I had to do something I’m already used to with less efforts. Since it was something that was fun for me, I didn’t mind getting paid to do it 🙂

Can making money online be a reality?

Yes. At least, I’m a testament to that.

Kindly share some of your experiences with figures

I’ll say freelance writing really works. I’ve made as much as $1020 in a single day. Last month alone, I make over $8,800. The reality is I only work a few days in a month, and for those few days, I get paid well to say I’m satisfied of the results I get.

Who’s inspired you, personally and/or professionally?

A lot of people have inspired me, but the main source of my inspiration isn’t a person, it is my future. Whenever I think about my future and what I plan to achieve, I put in more efforts to make sure it becomes a success. Other than that, a lot of people have inspired my online career, and one great person that inspires me a lot is Pat Flynn from SmartPassiveIncome

What would you say has been most helpful?

My decision to own a blog. I have written for a lot of established blogs and they in turn send me quality traffic – both customers and subscribers.

What do you have to say to all those looking to start a writing career?

Don’t be a perfectionist. Focus on having more skills and marketing yourself, there is always someone out there willing to hire you.

Any last comment?

If making money online as a freelance writer is your dream, then I urge you to visit my Young Pre Pro blog

*** The End

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About Onibalusi Bamidele and YoungPrePro

Onibalusi bamideleYoungPrePro was founded in April 2010 by Onibalusi Bamidele, a 17 year old student, successful blogger and freelance writer.

It all started in October 2009, when I first heard about the concept of making money online and living the internet lifestyle. I became obsessed. Living the internet lifestyle became my dream. I began to do everything in my power to ensure this dream becomes a reality but I didn’t make a cent after months of hard work, I quickly realized I was doing something wrong and that moment marked a turning point in my life. Read more here.


In my opinion, Oni is a young guy doing Nigeria proud, yes he is making money for himself but isn’t that good for our self image?

This is the kind of guy the media and leaders should focus on, so that our younger generation would know that age is nothing but a number, it is possible to become a successful entrepreneur at a very young age – we’ve got to catch them young.  I am so proud of Oni and want to thank him for taking time out to tell us about making money online.

Do you agree that making money online is possible?