Help STOP the Anti-NGO Bill

I watched a video that made me visibly angry and the presenter is a man I have tons of respect for. He is no other than Prof. Chidi Odinkalu, a human rights activist and erstwhile Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission.

The focus of the video is on the Anti-NGO Bill currently on the floor of the National Assembly which seeks to more or less centralise the functions of non-government organisations (NGOs) and how they operate.

Watch the video:

The Centre for Social Justice which created the video has pleaded that we should help share it and create awareness and that is exactly what I have decided to do by this and other activities. I urge you to do the same, if you’re really concerned about the sustainability of any organisations that you care so much about such as your church or an NGO.

I have also taken it a step further by signing this petition on citizengo because it’s all about creating awareness. Here’s the message I got afterwards:

I signed a petition to House of Representatives: Federal Republic of Nigeria which says:
Will you sign this petition? Click here to sign!

In my opinion, we need a more de-centralized national structure and trying to further centralize this country is unacceptable. Nigeria is simply too large for one central Government and that is clearly evident in the state of our Nation today.

I urge to support this movement by simply sharing, liking and tweeting this video –