IT Entrepreneurs

Help my Friend & Mentor Complete his PhD Thesis

I totally disagree when I hear statements like “I am a self-made millionaire or man or woman” as the case may be. Is there anyone who has succeeded without being helped?

Well, without any apologies I belong to that school of thought that believes in the place of grace. Not just any grace but the grace of God Almighty who many refuse to believe exists or have stopped believing. I am of the opinion that everything I have today is courtesy of a loving God. I am sure you may be wondering what CFA is driving at?

It’s simple! I want to see my mentor and friend Yele Okeremi, CEO, Precise Financial Systems to succeed and that is why I am taking it upon myself to play a role by asking you to complete a survey required for his thesis.

Wisdom nugget: we can all use a little help, never be afraid or shy to ask for help when you need.

May I then be the first to follow the advice in this quote by requesting that you complete this survey.

The data gathered is for academic purpose only, hence information provided would be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thesis topic: “Developing IT Entrepreneurs – A case study of IT Entrepreneurs in Nigeria’’ by Yele Okeremi

Note to worry I would share more about my relationship with this gentleman sometime in the future but for now I need you to do this for me. We need 200 IT entrepreneurs to make this happen and luckily we have close to 150 entrepreneurs who have already completed theirs but please be one of them. Click here to complete yours.

Trust me, this is simply a cool example of how a 5 minutes activity can make a whole lost of difference.

Thank you for your help as always!