Read Creating a Brighter Future by Edwin Edebiri

[fbshare type=”button” float=”right”] Creating a brighter future is one book I recommend you read. I love to read, even with the distraction(s) of today, I still find time to read and I am recommending that you find time out of your busy schedule to read good books, it helps your brain and minds stay fit and healthy.

Today, I present you another great book that will touch your life and lead you to creating a brighter future. What makes the book unique is that it presented both as a book and a workbook, so it’s not just about telling you stories. Creating a Brighter Future tells so many stories, but requires that you commit to changing your life so you are presented with blank spaces to write your actions steps after reading each chapter.

Below are the chapters of Creating a Brighter Future;

Chapter 1    The Power of Dreams                Page 13
Chapter 2    The First Pillar-Family             Page 29
Chapter 3    The Second Pillar-Finances    Page 45
Chapter 4     The Third Pillar-Social            Page 63
Chapter 5    The Fourth Pillar-Mental        Page 81
Chapter 6    The Fifth Pillar-Spiritual          Page 97
Chapter 7    The Sixth Pillar-Physical         Page 117
Chapter 8     The Seventh Pillar-Career      Page 135
Chapter 9    Putting Dreams in Motion        Page 153

The Foreword for Creating a Brighter Future was done by John Fleming of the Direct Selling News US

I’ve had the opportunity to see Edwin Edebiri inspire and enlighten those who want to turn their dreams into reality, both in person and online. His newest book Creating a Brighter Future is a great contribution to the literature of success.

As publisher of Direct Selling News and a 40-year veteran of the business, I understand that any organization is no stronger than the development of the people who make it run. Edwin has been a valued trainer and coach in the industry for more than two decades.

The same is true for your personal life, career and entrepreneurial aspirations. I’ve learned that everyone can maximize their talents by gaining the insights from those who have reached the heights of self-development.

This book brings that same level of development into your home and workplace. I encourage you to see him in person or correspond with him as well as following the advice in this book.

Introduction by Edwin Edebiri

When I present seminars, usually as many as a hundred times per year, I ask people to tell me what their dreams are. Most people have a glazed look on their face. I found that most people know what they don’t like, but don’t have a good idea of what they actually want.

Oftentimes people gravitate to their perceptions of the success of others. Out of a vacuum, it’s okay to admire other people, but if you’re going to devote five or ten years to something, then it should be what you want.

I dreamt of being a pilot when I was nine and it didn’t happen until ten years later, but I kept my dream. Think of life as a game of billiards. Isn’t it more exciting to sink the ball after you call it.

The same applies to your life, deciding what you want in advance adds spice to the competition to achieve those dreams. Just the process of putting the list together helps focus; and tends to attract right resources.

Let’s look at a brief sample list.

  1. Becoming a pilot
  2. Getting masters degree
  3. Becoming author
  4. Public speaker
  5. Driving a Brand new Jaguar
  6. Getting Married
  7. Having Children

Those were some of the 103 items on the list put together when I was nine years old after I had just read the first edition of The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale.

My Mom explained that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I thought, Wow, then I should start writing things down I wound up achieving everything on that initial list. But just in case you are not blessed with that kind of focus, I’d like to start our journey together by providing you with a sample list of 100 dreams, which we will call a master dream list.  By the end of each chapter, we expect that you’ll change and add your own specific dreams to your master dream list.

At the end of the book, we encourage you to compare what you started out with to the dreams you eventually settle on.

[quote]Edwin Edebiri will be Nigeria for a must attend event in October, 2011 and you don’t want to miss that. Sign up to receive updates about the event.[/quote]

Two ways to Own a Copy of Creating a Brighter Future by Edwin Edebiri

1. Buy a Copy

You can buy a copy from me locally at the sum of 2,500 only plus an additional N200 for shipping to anywhere in Lagos outside Lagos would have to be discussed. Contact me to get your copy.

2. Win a Copy

Yes I am giving away copies of creating a brighter future to partners of this website. If you wish to participate or learn more, then read about our loyalty program here.


About the Edwin Edebiri, the author of Creating a Brighter Future

Mr Possibilities. A dynamo of humour and enthusiasm, Edwin Edebiri stands at the forefront of entrepreneurial spirit.

Edwin EdebiriHe is a keynote speaker and seminar leader. He has over 25 years experience in providing individuals and business owners hands on training in inspiring possibilities, networking goals setting, and time management. He is committed to helping individuals and organizations create a brighter future. He speaks for a variety of corporate clients, civic organizations, and educational audiences. He holds a MBA with honours from Embry Riddle Aeronautics University in Daytona Beach. Edwin is the author of “Creating a Brighter Future: pillars of practice to put your dreams into action”, “Networking Ato Z- A Bullish Approach” and the creator of an exciting activity management system called MAP, which is loaded with invaluable information that will empower you to reach your full potential.

When not buy networking, he enjoys his hobby as a pilot. He is currently working on another book “Possibilities.”


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