The Social Media Week Lagos was indeed huge. The turnout was rather impressive, it is not just the turnout of techies that matters most but seeing users and lovers of technology from diverse industries gather to learn more about the hottest trend in the world.
Now for those who are a bit on the techy side, the social media week gave us a unique opportunity to gather and share our thoughts and experiences. The Nigerian eco-system is growing indeed and if you ask me, I think it is growing at a very rapid space and only time will tell how explosive the future will be.
Personally, for very first time, I got to meet a number of tech superstars who I have admired and followed over the years. Of course, I have met some but honestly I met more people at 2 key events especially – Techcabal’s Battlefield and Y! Naija 100 Innovative Minds. Both events held on the same day and where well attended, the above photo was taken immediately after the Y! 100 event while we were waiting for the start of the Techcabal battle field.
The eco-system is maturing from techies, to content providers, to venture capitalists, to other professionals and so on. I am so excited about the whole development and it makes me proud because I have also played a worthy role towards the growth of this great industry in Nigeria.
From left to right: Gbenga Sesan, Saheed Adepoju, Nkem Uwaje, Yomi Adegboye & yours truly CFA.
I’ll conclude by saying that the best is yet to come, I am a die-hard, unrepentant and possibly the most foolish optimist who believes that something good can come out of Nigeria. So watch the Naija ecosystem for more interesting and innovative solutions in the days ahead (mine is coming on stream shortly too).
Bastian Gotter and CFA (I respect Bastian of iROKO because of his foresight and belief that the Nigerian market is it).
Did I tell you that at the end of the Techcabal Event, a group of young innovators went home with the grandprize of $20,000.00 for developing a solution called PrepClass? Well they did 🙂
Nice one. It was awesome meeting you.