Innovation makes all the difference, my friend and mentor Sam Asekunowo proved that today with commissioning of his new business, Digital Life Clinic – Health Management Systems at MMA2, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Apart from the fact that the technology and strategy blew my mind, I like his choice of using the departure lounge of the MM2 airport as a key contact point with potential clients. Truth is a large number of people are simply walking corpse because of lack of proper health check-ups, for some people they run a very busy schedule, such that their health takes a back seat….. this is rather sad but it is the case for a lot of people.
I love the saying “health is wealth” and in my opinion Digital Life clinic presents a new way to healthy living.
Digital life clinic is born out of desire and passion to improve the health-care delivery in Africa by making available in every neighborhood modern technology and solutions to create awareness, prevent, detect, monitor and manage chronic diseases like high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and many more which have become the cause of sudden death among Africans faster than the known HIV/AIDs. Digital Life Clinic is truly innovate, I saw it work 1st hand and was highly impressed. I’ll definitely recommend the service to anyone I know, we have to make conscious efforts towards maintaining a healthy life style.
So my advice is this; when next you are traveling through MMA2, stop by to get yourself checked by Digital Life clinic in 5 minutes or less.
I want to wholeheartedly say a Big Congratulations to my mentor, coach and friend, Sam Asekunowo for this bold step and fresh perspective in Health care management in Africa, I pray that God will take Digital Life clinic to the next level. Sam Asekunowo is the MD/CEO of Digital Life Clinic, a Fate Foundation Facilitator and the Author of the Power of Plan B – I highly recommend you read this book.
neat thread will definitely be reading the rest of your blog.
Thank you!