Introducing My Happiness Journal by Edwin Edebiri, Chief Happiness Officer

This is an introduction of my Happiness Journal: Growing Happier with Compassion by Edwin Edebiri. Release date: October 1, 2011.

[quote]Do not allow the past or the future to rob you of your present – Edwin Edebiri[/quote]

As I go around the world, people realizing that I am called the Chief Happiness Officer, will come to me and ask “Can you make me happy?” my answer is always the same, NO! For some reason they are not always surprised or disappointed with my response, which tells me to some degree they already know no one can make them happy. But they ask anyway. I always say my role is to remind them about the happy things in their life. Encourage them to focus on what they have and not the things they don’t have. That happiness is an inside job and that’s what my happiness journal seeks to accomplish.

my happiness journal

My Happiness Journal is the closest tool I know that can answer that question, “Can you make me happy?” If used diligently every day, you will find out that you have what it takes inside of you to be happy 24/7 or to be able to activate it for those few times you are not happy. You will become more compassionate not only to others, but to yourself. You will be able to combine your time, energy and emotion to lift your spirit and others in hard times.

It is better to start using my happiness journal when you are happy, that way you have a great data to tap on when things are down. I call it your “Refilling Station”. Where you can come to refuel, when you are running low for any reason. If you are currently unhappy, then this is your tool. It will take some work, but you will be glad you did.

[quote]According to Thomas Edison, “Nothing works by itself. You have to make the damn thing work.”[/quote]

Get your copy of my Happiness Journal: Growing Happier with Compassion

Be more diligent with the happiness exercises included. Once you get going with it don’t stop using it.

Remember, “do not allow the past or the future to rob you of your present” Make the best out of today. One day at a time is not too difficult. Keep it simple. Start where you are. Do not procrastinate with your happiness. Change what you can, accept the ones you cannot change and seek help when necessary.

“With my happiness journal, you will learn some very simple ways to be happier, master some very powerful happiness exercises and have a full 90 day journal (a full year if you choose the annual subscription) for daily empowerment and happiness”.

The happiness journal is designed for daily use for 90 days. Users will need one every quarter. If you purchase a full year or subscribe quarterly, you will get a booklet every three months.

Please visit for more details and pricing of “My Happiness Journal: Growing Happier with Compassion”

[box]Edwin Edebiri has interviewed more than 1,000 people in the past year. Based on their answers, he has come up with a list of 10 concrete things people can do to become happier. Edebiri is the inspiration behind the global happiness summit and the founder of the I am happy project, now in 56 cities in 16 countries, whose mission is to spread happiness globally one person at a time.[/box]