Why Agel is a good Home Business Opportunity for Everyone and You

Agel is good for everyone and is even better for you. As you plan your career and future, you cannot help but to plan for your retirement as well. Since whether you like it or not, whatever you do today or tomorrow will affect your future and retirement plan. So if you would like to make sure that once you grown old you will live more comfortably or that your retirement is secure then you will need to step out today and plan for tomorrow. Agel is a home based business that can help you realize your dreams and plans. In fact, it is not just an ordinary opportunity but an opportunity to change your way of life.

A home business opportunity with agel can give you the financial freedom you have always wanted, without keeping or preventing you from working other jobs or from your present job. Building your agel business is easy and can be incorporated into your life, it is so flexible that you won’t even notice you have other business that is giving you additional income to add to your retirement fund.

What’s more? An agel home business opportunity can save you thousands of bucks from tax every month, and you get to travel to different places as your business begins to grow and expand each day. This is another interesting opportunity that you can have at agel and the best part is that you do not need a lot of money to start your business.

This business only needs a little of your hard earned money, in which you will be putting them to good use and a great investment. Imagine a small capital to start your own business and then watch it grow as your financial income grows as well. It is perfect and just right for someone like you. Who wants and need all the opportunities that you can have to prepare for your retirement.

How? Agel is a big business that could provide you with all the unlimited earning potential possible. This is what makes network marketing the best system, as anyone can earn unlimited income and they can build their business even while they sleep. Just put in the required effort and your friends, families and most importantly the products itself will all work on your behalf.

You may not feel the benefits right away, as you are still building your network. But one thing for sure, it will happen and the income will come. You might even be surprised once you have received your income, especially if you have already built a good and large base of partners. The residual income Agel pays for a long time is enough to keep you comfortable and happy.

Click to make a personal informed decision.

Agel Products and Business Opportunity

First of all, let me ask you a question. Have you heard about Agel products and business opportunity before?

How excited am I? Very excited you bet, not because I won jackpot but simply because Networking Marketing as an industry is gradually gaining grounds here in Nigeria and it gives me great joy. The news filtered in on tuesday that Prof. Pat Utomi is now the Chairman of Holidays and Cash Nig. Ltd. (a post for another day), boy this is sure some good news.

A few days ago my good friend and fellow Networker – Tomiwa sent a mail on another great opportunity which I want to share with you.

But first, why is Network Marketing a Winning Model?

1. Creates an Asset: significant residual income

2. The highest return on investment and effort

3. Equal opportunity. We receive what we truly deserve: independence, freedom and the right to fulfill our dreams.

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Agel Business Model

Use & Share

You – Use (1 box)

The Program

Total Cost————- N92,075

You Pay out of your Pocket ———N31,000

You introduce Minimum of 2 people to the program within 30 days (Duplication)

You work with (Help) your people get their own people (Minimum 2 people each)

The program pays for your Monthly qualification product for 5 Months (N61,075 interest free)

You will get one box of any of Agel product every month (for you to use or share)

By the 5th month your Monthly commission should be about N38,892

By the 6th month (N78,550), from your commission your monthly product qualification will be deducted

By the 6th month your commission should be about N78,550 at this point the system deducts minimum of N5,000 to pay back part of the N61,075 that the Bank loaned you

By the 7th month your commission should be N157,865

At your 8th month your commission should be about N316,495

By the 9th month, the system will upgrade you to Executive level. The following month’s commission will be about N633,756

By your 10th month you will be ready to manage your account yourself at N1,268,278/month (you will be trained)

Note that you have the potential to earn much more than the above figures, if you are willing.

Agel International

Visionary Leadership

20 years experience

2008 Entrepreneur of the Year

Solid Management Team

Member of the Direct Selling Association

Serves on the CEO Council for the World Federation of the Direct Selling Association

Starting Your Agel Business

Open an Account with any of the Banks involved in the opportunity

Pay your Enrollment plus Application fee N31,000

Get your ID Number

And get minimum of 2 other persons to join the program within 30 days.

The Perfect Business

Solid Company

Breakthrough Products

Simple Business Model

Lucrative Compensation Plan

Complete Support system

Perfect Timing

Low Price of Entry

Time For Action

This is a brief overview of what the Agel products and business opportunity entails. Now, my advice is that you probe deeper and find the why factor? This will certainly propel you to success in the business. One more thing seek financial advice since it involves money but as you do that – know this for sure you would get good quality products for use and also an opportunity to earn fantastic income (value for money).

I am sure you do have a lot of questions – ok that is great.

Visit Agel Home Business or simply contact me for more information and coaching.

Finally, I urge you to empty your cup and begin to see the great opportunities inherent in the greatest business opportunity in the world – Network Marketing with Agel products.

Agel Home Business